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Horse World Expo
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By Joan Mellot

Miss B, a.k.a. Bubbles, was a 3-day event horse. Unfortunately, she developed a heart murmur and was no longer able to participate in that strenuous activity. Her owner, wishing to give her a second chance, donated her to ERRI.

In ERRI’s care, Miss B was taken to New Bolton. There she was given a complete physical, including and EKG. The doctors declared her safe and fit to be ridden as a pleasure horse.

I was looking for just such a horse. A friend told me about ERRI and the rest was a fairy tale – almost! Miss B and I met and Debbie declared us a match. Later, she would say we were a marriage made in heaven.

After taping for the Dan Rodricks Show and a short trailer ride, Miss B was slowly introduced to her new field mates: an Arab, a Quarterhorse, and an Arab-Quarterhorse cross named Rebel. With 65 acres of rolling hills, woods and streams for four horses, you would think there would be enough room for everyone. Not so! Rebel tried to show Miss B he was the boss. Her reply, several hard, quick kicks, soon persuaded him to leave her alone for a while.

In the following weeks, Miss B tried several times to handle me as easily. But lessons were learned by all and she soon became the “Lady” of the field and the barn. She quickly discovered that if she humored Rebel, he would leave her alone to enjoy the beauty around her including the deer, fox and other animals that wander through this field. The deer are her favorite.

She also learned that after tolerating me for an hour or so, she would be free to do as she pleased until the next time. That is, of course, after the carrots she received following our time together.

One of my greatest joys is to see her fly down the hill through the woods at feeding time. Once down, she realizes the others haven’t been able to keep up. So, back up the hill she goes to follow the others down. They’re at a gallop; she, at a beautiful extended trot. As the others run to their appropriate spots, she drops down to a walk and gracefully enters her stall.

When I hear people talk about their “perfect” horses, I smile. I know how they feel – well almost. You see, Miss B is a gray, and she’s as happy as a pig in ……….MUD!

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"Miss B" -- lovingly adopted by Joan Mellot