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ERRI Fall Inspections
You are here: Newsletters > January 2000 > ERRI Fall Inspections
By Kim Gordon

Fall marks the time for ERRI inspections. When we accept a horse into the ERRI family, we accept him for life. While we take great care to match horses to adoptive families, we don’t leave anything to chance. Once a year, we check on our adoptees, just to be sure that they never again have to live through starvation, abuse or neglect.
Inspectors review the condition of the stalls and pastures where the adopted horse is being kept in addition to observing the horse himself. We also make sure the adoptive owners are keeping the horse’s shots and worming up to date, and that the horse is visited regularly by a farrier and sees a dentist when needed.

I am happy to report that all the horses we visited were in excellent condition. The adoptive families are doing a great job and it’s obvious that the horses are loved very much.

A few examples are:

  • Mr. Meadow, an ERRI stallion, stands at Rainbow View Farms.
  • Patricia Burton-Bowden was proud to show him off for the inspectors.
  • Sultan was adopted by Allyson Perry, who adores him. Under her care, he has come a long way.
  • Bart and FD, who hang out with Judy Hunter and Kate Kase, keep in touch with us regularly so we can track their progress.
Every horse we saw was in wonderful shape, both mentally and physically. It’s great to see them doing so well. The adoptive families were exceptionally nice and welcomed us to their farms. I am very happy to be on the inspection team, particularly when we see such gratifiying results.
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