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Sagamore Schooling Show to Return
You are here: Newsletters > July 2006 > Sagamore Schooling Show to Return
Date only real change for popular dressage show

By Laura Wade Baier

Many have been asking, and we finally have the answer everyone is looking for!
The 5th Benefit Dressage Schooling Show at the lovely and historical Sagamore
Farm in Glyndon is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 10th, 2006.

ERRI Consultant Board member Tracey Hurline is looking forward to having the
show earlier this year. In the past, the show was held in early October.

"The weather should be beautiful," Hurline said.

Jim and Patsy Ward have generously donated the use of the facility at Sagamore
Farm since the first show in Oct. 2001. James Armstrong will donate his
expertise as the judge for the 5th consecutive time.

Nineteen classes from USDF Walk Trot to Musical Freestyle are offered. Entry
fees are as follows: $20 per class Walk Trot - 4th Level, $20 per class Prix St.
George - Grand Prix and Freestyles/Pas de Deux/Quadrille.

AHSA rules will apply except half-chaps will be allowed and Freestylers do not
have to submit qualifying tests with their entries. Appropriate headgear is
recommended to all riders when mounted.

Participants must send a negative Coggins along with an entry form and check
payable to ERRI, Inc. to Org./Secretary - Tracey Hurline, 5115 Sweet Air Rd.,
Baldwin, MD 21013. Entries are due by Sept. 5th. There will be no refunds after
the closing date as this is a benefit show. All donations made to ERRI, a
501(c)(3) organization, are 100 percent tax deductible.

Please call Tracey Hurline with any questions at 410-592-7260.


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