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From the President's Stall
You are here: Newsletters > July 2006 > From the President's Stall
By Debbie Frank
Over the past months, many things have happened - all very good - the Horse
World Expo, the ERRI Volunteer Recognition Dinner, a grant from the Thoroughbred
Charities of America, and many wonderful and generous donations from our members
and friends.

We are still overloaded with rehabs due to the complexity and difficulty
involved in retraining them. We are looking for experienced horsemen and women
who are willing to donate their time to help retrain these wonderful rescues,
many off the track, who need the time, diligence and experience only years in
the saddle and time around the training barn can offer. Please call us if you
think you could help with these talented rescues.

ERRI is also in need of people to help us with our sub-committees for special
events, marketing and publicity, and grants. Helping with ERRI committees is a
great way to help our rescue without the additional burden of sitting-in on
monthly board meetings. Coming up July 22nd we have our 7th Annual AJC Benefit
Joust for ERRI and are looking for folks willing to help us with publicity,
parking, feeding, and getting things organized that day. If you have interest in
helping ERRI with one of its committees, please contact our Advisory Board
President, Laura Wade Baier at 717-227-1614.

We are excited about our other fall events currently in the planning stages. The
Sagamore Benefit Dressage Schooling Show will return September 10th, and we are
looking forward to offering exciting demos at the Shawan Downs Legacy Chase on
Sept. 30th. We will also be selling tickets to that event, so please keep us in
mind. In October, we will host a wonderful silent auction and evening of good
music and food in Timonium. More details on that to follow! We look forward to
seeing everyone at our events!

Much Love,

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