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Blazing a Trail
You are here: Newsletters > June 2005 > Blazing a Trail
Board member & rescue make a healing journey

By Laura W. Baier

ERRI board member Linda Losey (pictured below) began a cross-country trail ride in March. She had planned to make the long journey with her youngest son Sam until his tragic death last June. Now Losey rides in his memory and honor upon her ERRI rescue "Valley Girl."

Losey's work with Val over the past 4 years has forged a phenomenal bond of trust that is now proving to be important as she rides across desolate areas of the west.

Losey began her ride in San Diego. She has ridden across California, Arizona, New Mexico and is currently in Colorado nearing Kansas. She is depending upon the generosity of others to help her along the way. Volunteers are making food and water drops along her path and many people have opened their homes to she, Val and Rocky, her packhorse for gear. The group walks for 50 minutes at a time and then rests for 10 minutes, averaging 15-20 miles a day about 4-5 days a week. Losey plans to complete her ride in Annapolis before Christmas. She connected some southwest trails en route to the 6,800-mile American Discovery Trail. She's getting GPS aide from fellow ERRI board member and research geologist Linda Veblen. Losey is spreading awareness about horse neglect and abuse along the way and raising money for both ERRI and her son's memorial scholarship fund. She received special permission to take Val on the trip from ERRI and keeps the horses health and well-being as her highest priority. Track her progress, see photos, and read her on-line journal at

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