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July Joust is back!
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5th Annual Benefit Joust promises
family fun, raises needed funds

by Laura W. Baier

ERRI busily prepares for the 5th Annual Benefit Joust generously conducted every year by the Amateur Jousting Club of Maryland, Inc.

This year's joust will be held on Sat., July 24th at 11 a.m. (raindate July 31st). Last year's joust collected over $1700 in badly needed funds for ERRI's rescues and rehabs. ERRI hopes to raise even more money this year.


In addition to jousting, ERRI plans family fun events to include face painting, Renaissance dress-up photos with horses and lots of chances to get up close and personal with these big, beautiful animals! Nihilator Catering will also be on hand with food and drink for sale.

Jousting begins promptly at 11 a.m. with the ceremonial Medieval Dress Parade. Spectators can sponsor jousting horses to help raise money for ERRI's rescues. Sponsors will get their picture taken with each horse they sponsor. Some former and current ERRI rescues will be jousting!

All riders are invited. Anyone interested in jousting should call Laura Baier to sign up at 717-227-1614. Those who have never jousted can expect guidance from AJC members. Riders must bring their own horse and wear a helmet when mounted.

Entry fees for the jousting classes are $5. All money will go to ERRI. A $5 parking donation is appreciated from spectators. We'll see you in July!

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