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From the President's Stall
You are here: Newsletters > June 2004 > From the President's Stall
by Debbie Frank
Once summer got here, after a too short spring, ERRI volunteers were able to complete our huge fencing project. Thanks to the generous grant from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, our new fencing looks fantastic and promises to require little maintenance, which is a huge advantage in such a busy, all-volunteer organization. We send very special thanks to the many volunteers who put in so many hours in both extreme heat and cold to accomplish our May 15th deadline. It was a vast and ambitious undertaking, but you did it!

ERRI's manure storage containment area is also complete, and we are working on rebuilding the paddock behind it for our older horses to use during the next winter. As a result of our fencing endeavor, we have a lot of left over good oak fencing - posts and used boards - for sale. If you are interested in buying some good, used materials please contact us at the farm.

Our annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet was a great success, as usual. We awarded Advisory Board member Linda Veblen with our 2004 Volunteer of the Year Award for her work and dedication to ERRI. Linda was instrumental is securing the $25,000 fencing grant for ERRI and worked tirelessly to secure bids and work crews to make the project a reality. Any volunteers who could not make the dinner can expect their certificates via snail mail.

Our big summer event will be the 5th Annual Benefit Joust on July 24th at our headquarters. It's such a fun day for everyone. Many of our rescues will show their talents running the rings that day. We hope you can bring your families to enjoy the summer fun! In the fall, our big fundraising event will be at the Shawan Downs Legacy Chase on Sept. 25th. ERRI volunteers are working on the final plans now, but we are pleased to provide demonstrations for the 2nd year in a row from area riding groups to the over 10,000 people who will attend the races that day. If you or your business is interested in sponsoring a demonstration to benefit our horses, please call our Advisory Board President, Laura Baier at 717-227-1614.

Again, I want to thank the many people who worked so hard on our fencing. We and the horses are so very grateful!

Bless you all,

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