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From the President's Stall
You are here: Newsletters > December 2003 > From the President's Stall
by Debbie Frank
As the year closes, I want to give a very special thank you to all our volunteer board members for their dedicated service to ERRI this year. We are working to develop and grow ERRI into a more solid organization, and we couldn't do this without their tireless efforts. Thanks for all you do!

When I started the rescue, I knew it would be difficult, but every day I am reminded of how many horses need our program and programs like ours. With our volunteers, all of whom are very busy, we know what we hope to achieve and have exciting plans for ERRI's future.

Unfortunately, what we need in order to charge forward is more time and more money. The work of our corps of volunteers makes our progress possible - but we need more help. And as always, progress requires money. Our future is very bright. Bless everyone for all their devotion to ERRI and our wonderful rescues.

We are already planning for many exciting events in 2004. The Horse Expo at the Timonium Fairgrounds in January gives us a great chance to educate the public about the responsibilities of horse ownership. (See story page 3.) It also allows us to network with members of the horse community who can spread the word about stopping the neglect and mistreatment of horses.

We are also looking forward to our annual awards dinner to give us a chance to thank our devoted volunteers and also to see each other in a setting other than the barn! We have also scheduled our annual benefit joust with the Amateur Jousting Club of Maryland, Inc. Since rainy weather has hampered our efforts to joust in the Spring, we will joust on July 24th this year. Mark your calendars! We also hope to develop more programs to bring the public in to see what we're all about in 2004.

It has been a great year, and we know our future will be even better with everyone's help. We wish all of our members, volunteers and supporters the happiest of holidays and a fabulous 2004.

Merry Christmas,

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