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New Addition = ERRI Western Run
You are here: Newsletters > April 2003 > New Addition = ERRI Western Run
By Cacky Riegel
ERRI Western Run began in earnest last October when Harley came to stay at Robin and Ruddiger Breitenecker's farm on Western Run Road in Hunt Valley.

I had been flirting with the idea of starting a horse rescue for a few years, and I almost did back in April 2002 when I first came across Harley and discovered the absolute neglect the poor guy suffered. I don't think he had seen a farrier in a year or more, let alone a vet. The Breiteneckers were very supportive of my bringing Harley to the farm, joining my other horses that had
lived there for three years.

To make a long story short, Harley came to live with the gang in October and has been improving ever since. He was so foot sore that he was unable to stand on three feet, so we started by knocking him out in the middle of a field where farrier RJ Campbell and Dr. Cooper Williams DVM went to work. Over the next few months after his surgery, Harley improved daily. I hate to admit it, but I think all that snow was beneficial to his feet. He is now walking steadily with very little lameness and making great strides (pun intended) in his overall well-being!

After Harley arrived, ERRI-Western Run was established and there was no turning back. I added a 26-year-old brood mare, Abby, who I have been taking care of for four years, to the rescue as well. Then sweet Ivy arrived from Virginia. Ivy is a very highly bred filly that was, unfortunately, born with very crooked front legs. She can never be ridden due to this, but she will make a wonderful babysitter. She has a very gentle temperament, is safe around children and is very lovable. She is looking for a home! You can read more information about these wonderful horses in the Gallery of Heroes.

ERRI Western Run is a labor of love and something I have wanted to do for some time. Many thanks to Robin and Rudy Breitenecker for allowing our resident rescues to live on their farm. Harley and Abby will probably be a part of our rescue indefinitely, but Ivy needs a home. And as soon as Ivy is placed, that makes room for one more!

If any one is interested in donating their time, I welcome the help! There is a lot of hair that needs to be brushed and bodies to love. Please call 410-472-4804 if you'd like to help out!

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This is ERRI Western Run’s Harley. He had to have hoof surgery for severe hoof problems caused by neglect. He is healing well and his future is looking better and better.