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From the President's Stall
You are here: Newsletters > April 2003 > From the President's Stall
By Debbie Frank
Spring has finally arrived, and we are like everyone else - beginning to relax! It has been a very difficult winter for everyone. We at ERRI have been so blessed with help in so many ways.

First, one of our foundations, the Eva Gude-Brandt Foundation, doubled the grant money they awarded us this year. They have been a supporter for many years and their generous check couldn't have arrived at a better time, as our funds were very low. The winter is usually very hard on us and this year was greatly exacerbated by the severe cold and snow which halted some of our rehabilitation work.

Second, so many of our board members and volunteers came out to help us during the bad weather. Without their help, I just don't know how we here at headquarters could have met the needs of our four-legged friends. Also, at the end of the blizzard as we were trying to figure out how to dig out, John Schwatka of Schwatka Farm Service showed up with his tractor and plowed paths to all our fields and transported many round hay bales where we needed them. When he left, he said to consider his time a donation - What a great friend!

Third, many of you responded to our Christmas and membership reminder letters. The funds you sent will help us greatly with our Spring arrivals. Also, we want to thank our suppliers, The Mill of Bel Air, Lee Morfoot (our hay supplier), and O'Malley Lumber (our bedding people). These wonderful companies kept us well supplied in spite of the bad weather and deep mud.

Last, but not least, many thanks to Jack Heisler for taking on our taxes due to the illness of our long-time treasurer Betty Gelston. Thanks also to the Thoroughbred Charities of America for including our rescue in a year-long worming program they offered. We thank everyone one of you for your continued support.

Think Spring!


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