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Toro Greatly Missed
You are here: Newsletters > December 2002 > Toro Greatly Missed
by Lucy Cook

"Let him go," Debbie would yell as we headed into a fence . . .

Toro, I have learned so much, what a treat to have known you. You took your work seriously and with such intense enthusiasm.

You could move like no other, with such great impulsion - as if on a cloud (a storm cloud with lightening!). A master of "above and beyond the call of duty," you have shown me around the cross-country course, demanding that I have as much fun as you were.

It was okay that my helmet cover momentarily shifted to obstruct my view, you knew where the next 2 flagged fences were and you couldn't wait to get over them - we passed by as a blessing was exclaimed by the jump judge.

You had a way of letting me know that you could do so much more than I ever knew. From entertaining me in lessons to showing me around a course, despite having seen it all, you were still excited and had fun.
Toro, you were what every horse aspires to be - so proud and fearless - such a "Bold Ruler."

Thank you Toro for being my teacher and for sharing your excitement with me. You will be greatly missed. Thank you Rhonda. Thank you Debbie.

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